Levin, Thomas Y. “We Have Never Been Present (at Least Not to Ourselves).” Presence - A Conversation at Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich. Philip Ursprung, Mechtild Widrich & Jürg Berthold Eds. Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2016. passim. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Five Tapes, Four Halls, Two Dreams: Vicissitudes of Surveillant Narration in Michael Hanecke’s Caché [Revised and Expanded Version].” A Companion to Michael Hanecke. Roy Grundmann, Ed. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. 75–90. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Surveillance, Aesthesis, Literacy.” Twenty-Five: An Anthology for the 25th Anniversary of BIT Teatergarasjen. Marie Nerland, Ed. Bergen (Norway): BIT Teatergarasjen, 2010. 189–193. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Alegato Por La Violencia Sonora.” Cultura/s [= weekly cultural magazine of] La Vanguardia (November 4, 2009) 2009: 3–4. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y., and Michael W. Jennings. “Publishing Industry and Radio [=Introductory Essay].” Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility, and Other Writings on Media. Jennings, Doherty & Levin, Eds. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 2008. 343–352. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Film [Section Introduction].” Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility. Jennings, Doherty & Levin, Eds. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 2008. 315–322. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y., Michael W. Jennings, and Brigid Doherty. “Editor’s Introduction.” Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility, and Other Writings on Media. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 2008. 1–8. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Agencies of Vision: Remarks on Selected Works by Denis Beaubois.” Video Logic. Sidney: Museum of Contemporary Art, 2008. 14–21. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “The Eye Reconfigured - New Apparatuses.” Fotografia E Novas Mídias. Antonio Fatorelli, Ed. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Contra Capa, 2008. 146–160. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Five Tapes, Four Halls, Two Dreams: Vicissitudes of Surveillant Narration in Michael Hanecke’s Caché.” Function/Fiction:/Utilitarian/Images/Reconfigured./Vincent/Bonin/&/France/Choinière,/Eds. Montreal: Les Éditions Dazibao, Centre de Photographies Actuelles / Edipresse, 2008. 59–70. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. et al. Walter
Media . (with Brigid Doherty & Michael W. Jennings) Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 2008. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Surveillant.” Sensorium: Embodied Experience, Technology, and Contemporary Art. Caroline A. Jones, Ed. . Cambridge, Mass.: List Visual Art Center and MIT Press, 2006. 212–215. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Film As Critical Practice: Thomas Y. Levin, Keith Sanborn and Anthony Vidler in Conversation With Jean-Michel Rabaté.” Rrrevolutionnaire: Conversations in Theory, Vol. 1. Gregg Lambert & Aaron Levy, Eds. Philadelphia: Slought Books, 2006. 151–171. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “’Tones from Out of Nowhere’: Rudolf Pfenninger and the Archaeology of Synthetic Sound”.” Grey Room 12 (2003): 32–79. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Rhetoric of the Temporal Index: Surveillant Narration and the Cinema of ’Real Time’.” CTRL [Space]: Rhetorics of Surveillance from Bentham to Big Brother. Thomas Y. Levin Et. Al Eds. . Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2002. 578–593. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “’Töne Aus Dem Nichts’: Rudolf Pfenninger Und Die Archäologie Des Synthetischen Tons.” Zwischen Rauschen Und Offenbarung. Zur Kultur- Und Mediengeschichte Der Stimme. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2002. 313–355. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. CTRL [Space]: Rhetorics of Surveillance from Bentham to Big Brother. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2002. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Jeff Guess: ’Fonce Alphonse’.” CTRL [Space]: Rhetorics of Surveillance from Bentham to Big Brother. Thomas Y. Levin Et. Al Eds. . Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2001. 612–613. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “’Where My Tape, man?’: Denis Beaubois and the Performative Politics of Panoptical Détournement.” Die Wachsame Gesellschaft. Internationaler Medienkunstpreis 2001 . Karlsruhe: ZKM/SWR, 2001. 80–99. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “’You Never Know the Whole Story’: Ute Friederike Jürß and the Aesthetics of the Heterochronic Image.” Ute Friederike Jürß: You Never Know the Whole Story. Stuttgart: Cantz Verlag, 2000. 54–87. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Die Rhetorik Der Überwachung: Angst Vor Beobachtung in Den zeitgenössischen Medien.” 7 Hügel: Bilder Und Zeichen Des 21. Jahrhunderts. Band IV- Zivilisation: Städte-Bürger-Cybercities. Die Zukunft Unserer Lebenswelten. Berlin: Henschel, 2000. 49–63. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Caputher Gespräch: Über Formen Der Wissensvermittlung [[Edited Transcript of a Discussion With Jürgen Trabant (Berlin), Mosche Barasch (Jerusalem), Helga Nowotny (Vienna) and Kurt W. Forster (Zurich), Broadcast Live on Austrian Television].” Wissensbilder: Strategien Der Überlieferung. Ulrich Raulff & Gary Smith, Eds. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1999. 341–362. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “ Vor
Mail .” Wissensbilder: Strategien Der Überlieferung. Ulrich Raulff & Gary Smith, Eds. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1999. 279–318. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Constant’s New Babylon: New Babylon Today [A Panel Discussion With Hilde Heynen, Frédéric Migayrou and Mark Wigley].” FROM 1 (1999): 15–33. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Indexicality Concrète: The Aesthetic Politics of Christian Marclay’s Gramophonia.” Parkett 56 (1999): 162–169. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Iconology at the Movies: Panofsky’s Film Theory [Revised and Expanded Version].” The Yale Journal of Criticism 9.1 (1996): 27–55. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Geopolitics of Hibernation: The Drift of Situationist Urbanism.” Situacionistas: Arte, política, Urbanismo Situationists: Art, Politics, Urbanism. Libero Andreotti and Xavier Costa, Eds. Barcelona: Museu d’Art Contemporani, 1996. 111–146. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Nationalitäten Der Sprache - Adornos Fremdwörter: Multikulturalismus Und Bzw. Als Übersetzung.” Multikulturalität: Tendenzen, Probleme, Perspektiven. Michael Kessler & Jürgen Wertheimer, Eds. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 1995. 77–89. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Introduction to The Mass Ornament.” Siegfried Kracauer: The Mass Ornament. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1995. 1–30. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Iconology at the Movies: Panofsky’s Film Theory.” Meaning in the Visual Arts: Views from the Outside. A Centennial Commemoration of Erwin Panofsky (1892-1968). Ing Lavin, Ed. Princeton: Institute for Advanced Study, 1995. 313–333. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Before the Beep: A Short History of Voice Mail.” Technophonia: Essays in Sound 2. Darlinghurst: Contemporary Sound Arts, 1995. 59–67. Print.
Siegfried Kracauer, The Mass Ornament. Weimar Essays. . (Translated, Edited and with an Introduction by Thomas Y. Levin) Cambridge Mass.: Harvard UP, 1995. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y., and Michael Linn. “Elements of a Radio Theory: Adorno and the Princeton Radio Research Project.” Musical Quarterly 78.2 (1994): 316–324. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Integral Interpretation: Introductory Notes to Beethoven, Kolisch and the Metronome.” Musical Quarterly 77.1 (1993): 81–89. Print.
Kracauer, Siegfried. “Roller Coaster [Thomas Y. Levin, trans.].” Qui Parle: Literature, Philosophy, Visual Arts, History 5:.2 (1992): 58–60. Print.
Farocki, Harun. “Reality Would Have to Begin [Thomas Y. Levin, Thomas Keenan and Marek Wieczorek, trans.].” Documents 1/2 (Fall/Winter) (1992): 136–146. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Neue Kracauer-Texte: Eine Bibliographische Meldung.” Jahrbuch Der Deutschen Schillergesellschaft 35. N.p., 1991. 460–462. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “The English-Language Reception of Kracauer’s Work: A Bibliography.” New German Critique 54 (1991): 183–189. Print.
Adorno, Theodor W. “The Curves of the Needle, The Form of the Phonograph Record, and Opera and the Long-Playing Record [Thomas Y. Levin, trans.].” October 55 (1990): 48–66. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y., and Michael K. Kessler. “Vorwort.” Siegfried Kracauer. Neue Interpretationen. Michael Kessler & Thomas Y. Levin, Eds. Stuttgart: Stauffenburg Verlag, 1990. VII-XIII. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Archäologie Des Exils: Siegfried Kracauers Briefe an Daniel Halévy [Edited, Annotated and With an Introduction] .” Siegfried Kracauer. Neue Interpretationen. Michael Kessler and Thomas Y. Levin, Eds. Stuttgart: Stauffenburg Verlag, 1990. 345–417. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “ Der
Forschungsbericht .” Siegfried Kracauer. Neue Interpretationen. Michael Kessler & Thomas Y. Levin, Eds. Stuttgart: Stauffenburg Verlag, 1990. 229–247. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “For the Record: Adorno on Music in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility.” October 55 (1990): 23–47. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. Siegfried
Interpretationen . (with Michael Kessler ) Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 1990. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Dismantling the Spectacle: The Cinema of Guy Debord.” On the Passage of a Few People through a Rather Brief Moment in Time: The Situationist International 1957-1972. Elisabeth Sussman, Ed. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1989. 72–123. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. Siegfried
Schriften . Marbach am Neckar: Deutsche Schillergesellschaft, 1989. Print.
Benjamin, Walter. “The Rigorous Study of Art: On the First Volume of Kunstwissenschaftliche Forschungen [Thomas Y. Levin, trans.].” October 47 (1988): 84–90. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Walter Benjamin and the Theory of Art History: An Introduction to ’Rigorous Study of Art’.” October 47 (1988): 77–83. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “Siegfried Kracauer in English: A Bibliography.” New German Critique 41 (1987): 140–150. Print.
Levin, Thomas Y. “From Dialectical To Normative Specificity: Reading Lukács on Film.” New German Critique 40 (1987): 35–61. Print.
Working Papers
Levin, Thomas Y. “Walter Benjamin, “On the Minute,” “Two Types of Popularity,” and ‘Conversation With Ernst Schoen’ In: Jennings, Doherty & Levin, Eds.,”. Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility, and Other Writings on Media (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2008): 397-409, Harvard UP, 2008, pp. 397-09.