"Don't Write! Just Speak!": Personal Audio Postcards 1905-1907 - Rediscovering a Forgotten Chapter of the Media Archaeology of Voice Mail
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
Música e Tortura: A Política Estética da Playlist
Lecture & Workshop, Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial (ESDI), Rio de Janeiro
Genealogy of an Ellipsis: On some moments of a friendship with Guy Debord during a brief passage of time [Keynote Lecture]
“Spectacle of Fascism” Conference marking the 50th Anniversary of the publication of Guy Debord's "La Société du Spectacle," Institute for the Humanities, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver B.C. (Canada)
Nicht Schrieben, Reden!: Zu einer Medienarchäologie der Voice Mail
Kunsthistorisches Institut, Universität Hamburg
'N’écrivez-pas, Parlez!': Vers une Archaéologie de la Messagerie Téléphonique [one of three lectures]
“Selon Thomas Y. Levin: L’Archaéologie des Médias comme Pratique Critique. Trois Conférences,” Centre Pompidou (Paris)
With Bernhard Siegert (IKKM/Bauhaus Universität, Weimar) and Ben Kafka (Media, Culture and Communication, NYU)
Algorithmic Audition: Roundtable on Digital Humanities and Sound
Center for Digital Humanities, Princeton University
With Tanya Clement (HiPSTAS (High Performance Sound Technologies for Access and Scholarship, UT Austin) and Tom McEnaney (Comparative Literature, Cornell U.)
Discus ex Machina: Personal Gramophonic Inscription as Narrative Device in Fiction Film [Keynote Lecture]
“Auditory Knowledge in the Arts” Conference, Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
Tarrying with the Televisual: Coutinho’s "Um Dia Na Vida" (2010)
"Listening and Seeing: An Homage to Eduardo Coutinho” Conference, Princeton University
Captured and Ventriloquized: Telephony in 1940s Gramophonic Voice-Mail Letters from the Princeton University Phono-Post Archive [Audio-Montage]
"The Telephone Book @ 25": A Conference in Honor of Avital Ronell, Deutsches Haus, New York University
Form follows Malfunction: On the Aesthetic Politics of Glitsch
Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)